Bernd Schulte

Dr. Bernd Schulte

Callinstraße 36
Room 123
30167 Hannover
+49 511 762 17025

Bernd completed his PhD in optomechanics in 2023 within our group and has since continued as a PostDoc. His research is centered on the characterization and implementation of an optomechanical cavity, which is a key component of our all-optical coherent quantum noise cancellation (CQNC) experiment.

The optomechanical cavity features a mechanical oscillator within an optical cavity. During his PhD, he successfully carried out initial characterizations via optomechanically induced transparancy (OMIT) and the effect of dynamical backaction (DBA) of the system at room temperature and under high vacuum (10⁻⁶ mbar) (

In a next phase Bernd and his colleagues will transfer the system into a cryostat to reduce thermal noise, making quantum radiation pressure shot noise the dominant noise factor. After achieving a stable cavity lock at 4 K and replacing the commercial Norcada square membrane with a high-Q soft-clamped membrane, the system’s quantum backaction limitation will be verified through a measurement of ponderomotive squeezing.