
June 2023

Mariia received a poster price at the International Conference on Materials and Advanced Technologies in Singapore! Congratulations Mariia!

February 2023:

Jonas defended his PhD Thesis

December 2022:

Jonas handed in his PhD Thesis

November 2022:

Tim started working on his master thesis in our group

January 2022:

Lea has joined the Group as our new PhD Student. Welcome Lea!

June 2021:

Frauke completed her Bachelor thesis. Congratulations!

January 2021:

Tim completed his Bachelor thesis. Congratulations! He stays in our group to work as a HiWi.

November 2020:

Margot accepted a new employment in Maastricht and therefore has left the group. We wish you all the best for your future!

Manuel has joined the group as our new Master Student. Welcome back Manuel!

Frauke has joined the group as our new Bachelor Student. Welcome Frauke!

October 2020:

Nived has joined the Group as our new PhD Student. Welcome Nived!

Installation of dilution refrigerator in the HITec-lab.

September 2020:

Roman has joined the Group as our new PhD Student. Welcome back Roman!

August 2020:

Roman completed his Master thesis. Congratulations!

April 2020:

Tim joined the group as our new Bachelor Student. Welcome Tim!

Oktober 2019:

Installation of 4k Cryostat in the HITec-lab.

September 2019:

Manuel completed his Bachelor thesis. Congratulations!


Stina completed her Master thesis. Congratulations!

July 2019:

Elisabeth completed her Master thesis. Congratulations!

June 2019:

Daniel completed his PhD thesis. Congratulations!

January 2019:

Mariia has joined the group as our new PhD Student. Welcome Mariia!

July 2018:

Vedangi has finished her theses and will be starting her PhD at the University of British Columbia. Congratulations Vedangi!

April 2018:

Margot has started as a new Post Doc Researcher in the Quantum Control group. Welcome Margot! At the same time Roman and Stephan have joined the group as Master Students. Welcome Roman and Stephan!

February 2018:

Jakob has joined the group as our new PhD Student. Welcome Jakob!

October 2017:

Elisabeth has joined the group as our new Master student (on October 16th, to be exact)! Welcome Elisabeth!

August 2017:

Vedangi has joined the group as our new Master student, conducting work on not just one, but two theses – electrical and electronics design (Bachelor), and physics (Master). Her home university is BITS Pilani in India. Welcome Vedangi!

August 2017:

Dennis has started as a new PhD student in the Quantum Control group! Welcome Dennis!

December 2016:

Jonas has started as a new PhD student in the Quantum Control group! Welcome Jonas!

July 2016:

Timo, Max and Dirk have successfully defended their doctoral studies! They are Postdocs now!

May 2016:

Both Timo and Max have already handed in their PhD theses, Dirk will be following suit and handing in on June 10th, so fingers crossed for all of them! Well done guys!! 🙂

March 2016:

Bernd has started as a PhD student within the Quantum Control group as an IMPRS student!

February 2016:

Steffi has joined us as a new Master student. Welcome Steffi!

December 2015:

Bernd successfully handed in and defended his Master thesis at the BIAS Bremen (co-supervisor R. Bergmann). Congratulations Bernd!!

November 2015:

 Hendrik has joined us as a new Master student. Welcome Hendrik!

November 20th 2015:

Our paper “Experimental demonstration of frequency auto-locking an optical cavity using a time-varying Kalman filter” just got accepted for publication in Physics Review Applied!

November 20th 2015:
Our website has been re-launched with a new design! Welcome everyone 🙂