Johny holds a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering and shifted tracks a little bit to pursue Masters in Optical Technology. However, his passion towards fundamental physics led him to doing computational photonics research in Ultrafast Laser group and research in Atomic interferometer group in Institute for Quantum Optics.
He joined our group as a Ph.D student in October 2020 and initially spend his time on optomechanical systems with Bernd and on electronics with Dennis. He then worked on the detuned squeezer paper [] with our previous colleague Jonas. The understanding of the optomechancics and the squeezing helped develop an all optical effective Negative Mass Oscilator (eNMO) for Coherent Quantum Noise Cancellation (CQNC). This is an elegant method to have broadband cancellation of Quantum Back-action noise. This was realised by his experiment named ‘Squidy cavity’ on April 2024.
Besides research, Johny has a flair for music – he enjoys playing drums and composing songs collaboratively with friends for their band, DSC (2019-present).
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