Roman Godley
Callinstraße 36
Room 123
30167 Hannover
+49 511 762 12183
Roman joined the group in 2018 as a Master student and finished his thesis on simulations of a micromechanical oscillator and the experimental verification of the employed models. Shortly after the end of his Master studies he joined the Quantum Control group as a PhD student and continued his work on micromechanical oscillators with Bernd Schulte, who was the leading expert of the group at the time.
He familiarised himself with the basics of optomechanics and the greater goal of the group: Coherent quantum noise cancellation or CQNC. Together with the optomechanics (OM) team he build and improved spacers for the OM cavity which will be used in cryogenic environment.
These conidtions will permit quantum backaction noise limited measurements, which will be the foundation of the CQNC proof of concept experiment the team is setting up. The current focus of his work is the locking and stabilisation of an optomechanical cavity in cryogenic environement (around 4-10 K) to extract parameters vital for the integration of the OM part into the CQNC experiment. Among others these parameters include the coupling strength of the micromechanical oscillator (silicon nitride membrane) to the intra-cavity laser field.