Frauke Modugno
Callinstraße 36
Room 124
30167 Hannover
+49 511 762 17073
Frauke joined the group in 2020 as a Bachelor’s student of mechanical engineering. In her Bachelor’s thesis, she worked on the design and development of an OPO with a large round trip length.
During her Master’s thesis for the Optical Technologies and Biomedical Engineering degrees, she worked on optical metrology in the ‘Applied Photonics’ group at the Hannover Centre for Optical Technologies.
Frauke has rejoined the ‘QuantumControl’ group in April 2024 as a PhD student in physics. Her research project is the simulation, fabrication and characterisation of meta-surfaces for quantum metrology. Her work relates to specialised optics with low thermal noise, which are required by next-generation gravitational wave detectors (such as the Einstein telescope) for high detection sensitivity. The design of tailored meta-surfaces is an interesting approach for ultra-thin highly reflective mirrors.
She will carry out further investigations into structures with material combinations such as silicon on sapphire, which have shown near perfect reflectivity in simulations. The foci of her research include design and simulations with Comsol Multi-Physics, analytical calculations, the fabrication of samples (e.g. at the LNQE), as well as the optical and mechanical characterisation of the fabricated structures.