
Richtmann, L.; Schmiesing, V.-S.; Wilken, D.; Heine, J.; Tranter, A.; Anand, A.; Osborne, T.J.; Heurs,M.: Model-free reinforcement learning with noisy actions for automated experimental control in optics, (submitted),, (2024) DOI:

Matiushechkina, M.; Evlyukhin, A. B.; Zenin, V. A.; Chichkov, B. N.; Heurs, M.: Perfect mirror effects in metasurfaces of silicon nanodisks at telecom wavelength, Advanced Optical Materials 2400191, (2024) DOI:

Wilken, D.; Junker, J.; Heurs, M.: Broadband detection of 18 teeth in an 11-dB squeezing comb, Phys. Rev. Applied 21, L031002, (2024) DOI:

Schulte, B. W.: Characterisation and integration of an optomechanical system for an all-optical CQNC experiment, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität, (2023) DOI:

Junker, J.: Quantum metrology using tailored non-classical states, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität, (2023) DOI:

Schweer, J.: Quantum back-action evasion and filtering in optomechanical systems, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität, (2023) DOI:

Matiushechkina, M.; Evlyukhin, A. B.; Zenin, V. A.; Heurs, M.; Chichkov, B. N: High-efficiency silicon metasurface mirror on a sapphire substrate, Optical Materials 138, (2023) DOI: 

Schweer, J.; Steinmeyer, D.; Hammerer, K.; Heurs, M.: All-optical coherent quantum-noise cancellation in cascaded optomechanical systems, Phys. Rev. A 106, 033520, (2022) DOI:

Junker, J.; Wilken, D.; Steinmeyer, D.; Heurs, M.; Reconstructing Gaussian bipartite states with a single polarization-sensitive homodyne detector, Opt. Express 30, 33860-33868, (2022) DOI:

Junker, J.; Wilken, D.; Johny, N.; Steinmeyer, D.; Heurs,M.: Frequency-Dependent Squeezing from a Detuned Squeezer, Physical Review Letters (Vol. 129, Issue 3), (2022) DOI:

Junker, J.; Wilken, D.; Huntington, E.; Heurs, M.: High-precision cavity spectroscopy using high-frequency squeezed light, Opt. Express Vol. 29, No. 4, (2021) DOI:

Evlyukhin, A.B.; Matiushechkina, M.; Zenin, V.A.; Heurs, M.; Chichkov, B.N.: Lightweight metasurface mirror of silicon nanospheres, Optical Materials Express Vol. 10, Issue 10, pp. 2706-2716 (2020) DOI:

Heurs, M.: Gravitational wave detection using laser interferometry beyond the standard quantum limit, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences  376 (2120) (2018) DOI:

Schütte, D.; Hassen, S.Z.S.; Karvinen, K.S. T.; Boyson, K.; Kallapur, A.G.; Song, H.; Petersen, I.R.; Huntington, E.H.; Heurs,M.: Experimental demonstration of frequency auto-locking an optical cavity using a time-varying Kalman filter, Phys. Rev. Appl. 5, 014005 (2016), DOI: (published 13 January 2016)

Denker, T.; Schütte, D.; Wimmer, M.H.; Wheatley, T.A.; Huntington, E.H.; Heurs, M.: Utilizing weak pump depletion to stabilize squeezed vacuum states, Opt. Express 23, 16517-16528 (2015), DOI: (published 15 June 2015)

Song, H.; Yonezawa, H.; Kuntz, K.B.; Heurs, M.; Huntington E.H.: Quantum teleportation in space and frequency using entangled pairs of photons from a frequency comb, Phys. Rev. A 90, 042337 (2014), DOI: (published 30 October 2014)

Wimmer, M.H.; Steinmeyer, D.; Hammerer, K.; Heurs, M.: Coherent cancellation of backaction noise in optomechanical force measurements, Phys. Rev. A 89, 053836 (2014), DOI: (published 28 May 2014)