Lea Richtmann
Callinstraße 36
Room 131
30167 Hannover
+49 511 762 14006
Lea (pronouns she/her/hers) studied physics, political science, and philosophy in Mannheim, Lille (France), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Hannover, Rom (Italy), and West Lafayette, IN (USA). She wrote her Bachelor’s and Master’s Thesis in physics at CERN in Geneva (Switzerland). Her work was in accelerator physics, studying beam dynamics and failure cases at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) using measurement data and simulations.
Lea joined the QuantumControl group as a PhD student in January 2022.
Her research project is developing a quantum optical testbed for Quantum Machine Learning. In collaboration with Tobias Osborne’s group from the Institute for Theoretical Physics, she is working on implementing Reinforcement Learning to (quantum) optical experiments.
Besides physics, Lea is equally fascinated by dance, music, bikes, and social justice work. She is interested in striving for a work atmosphere in science that is welcoming to everybody and doesn’t tell minorities to adapt to the current structures.